THE POTENTIAL WIVES OF NORMAN MAO is a quirky and heartwarming short film narrated by the legendary George Takei (Star Trek) and starring Ed Lin (A Waiter Tomorrow and renowned writer), Tina Chen (Three Days of the Condor, The Hawaiians), Ron Nakahara (Hawaii Five-O), Cindy Cheung (Lady in the Water, Children of Invention), Michelle Ang (My Wedding and Other Secrets, The Tribe), Soomi Kim (Law & Order), and Wai Ching Ho (The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Flight of the Conchords). Beautifully shot by Sam Chase (Moonlight Sonata, Two Mothers, Almost Perfect), this comic fairytale was written and directed by of Sundance Screenwriters Lab alumni Derek Nguyen, and produced by Blake Ashman-Kipervaser (Prince of Broadway, The Lottery, Greg the Bunny) and Shannon McCoy Cohn (Sea Nation).